
transformer is often called passive electronic components whose function is change alternating voltage electricthe basis of the transformer is a pair of ends in the primary and secondary pair at the end. Primary and secondary part is a wire wrapped around an email that is not electrical connected. The second wire windings are wound on a core called the transformer core. For transformers used in low-frequency AC voltage transformer core is usually made of iron that arranged together to form an iron core.

Step Up Transformer is the inverse of the step-down transformer to raise voltage AC power. A transformer can also lowering the voltage that we use to raise the voltage by turning the primary into secondary and secondary to the primary
the principle of lowering the voltage transformer in primary winding is the sum of more than the amount of twist winding. While  transformer step up is having a primary winding amount less than the amount of twist winding. If you seen from the large size of wire used email, lowering the voltage transformer has a smaller wire size on the primary winding. Instead  transformer step up has a larger wire size on the primary winding. This is due to the lowering transformer output voltage that larger electric currents, where step up transformer output voltage has a smaller flow. Meanwhile the frequency of the voltage at the in put and out put is fixed. Another parameter is the efficiency of the power transformer.Transformer in a good performance has a great power efficiency  70-80%. Power loss usually comes out to be heat when a transformer works. Transformer has a high efficiency is made by a particular technique by taking into account the transformer core material, the density of the windings and other factor.

7310030019-Rahmat Bagus Yusuf B


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