"Tahu Tek"

BY:Novian patria uman putra 7310030002

"Tahu Tek" that's we call this food,if you like eat some traditional food we can try this originally food in surabaya city,with only seven thousand rupiahs we can enjoy this food.why we call it "Tahu Tek"?it's because the seller is always sounding the scissors with "tek-tek" voice to cut the tofu to brew in the pan.the composition of this food is vegetable like a sprout,celery and some potato

yo know why "Tahu Tek" it's very delicious and very rare?because the important seasoning is petis
petis is from the water after we cleaning the fish we call pindang and after that the water boiled until the water turn into black gel and the name is "petis"

mixed tofu with petis and vegetables is not complete if we eat tahu tek without a crakers


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